Dream Pets, Pet Donations in Arizona, Apply to Donate, Apply to receive

Dream Pets is an effort that works with hundreds of nonprofits in Arizona to serve and save pets through providing resources, Hundreds of thousands of pounds of food, treats, toys and other essentials. These two hungry guys went from living on the street starving, to finding a new job as emotional support dog in our human trafficking survivor, live in program.
Dream Goods Giving out Dog and Pet Food Donations, Phoenix AZ, Willow Park Outreach Phoenix,
Find a need and fill it, find a hurt and heal it

Please reach out if you're a nonprofit that would like to partner, a donor, or you would just like to be involved.

Dream Pets supplies vetted nonprofits with donations they need. We allocate donations based on need and availability.

Resources Available

Dog Food Donations
Cat Food Donations
Litter Boxes, Litter Donations
Pet Treat Donations and other supplies
Dog and Pet Food Donations Phoenix AZ
Dream Goods Giving out Dog and Pet Food Donations, Phoenix AZ, Willow Park Outreach Phoenix,
Pet Food Donations, Dog Food Donations

The Dream Pets Effort, partners with many fantastic nonprofits throughout Arizona to help them with various missions. We feel it’s best for the pets and family to stay together, families are compressed with price increases on every front, homelessness and poverty are something very real and visible, and something we are passionate about alleviating for families and pets suffering. Pet food can be very expensive for families experiencing food insecurity already. We have 80 separate outreaches throughout Arizona every week and the Dream Pets effort is now reaching into these painful situations to make sure pets are not given up, to take the pressure off and prevent impossible situations, to keep loved animals in their homes with needs met.

Dream Goods helps companies resolve the challenge of responsibly distributing excess goods for maximum impact.


Dream Goods helps companies resolve the challenge of responsibly distributing excess goods for maximum impact.

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